Sunday, December 11, 2016

OOOohhhh Boy!

 I dug into my archives to pull out this Christmas page that I made last year around this time. I used several kits so I am not real sure who all gets the credit. Lins_Creations mostly as I do remember part of her Christmas kits and I was using them a lot last year. But mostly some of my misc. items.

 Ohhh it is going to be a long night for me. I took my shower and my night meds and was almost asleep when Nathan called me via Facebook. He got off work at 10:00 and no one was there to pick him up. While he was in a panic of how to get home and not get taken to jail from Loitering, Karyn shows up and says "Did Nathan make it home from work?' Well as I had the call on speaker since I didn't know she was going to walk thru the door there was an argument.
 Basically she said that she was there and he wasn't and her phone was at home because it was dead. Now I have to agree with Nathan... Why do you never charge your damn phone, especially when you know that your going to be out in a pretty isolated area at 11:00 pm at night? And second of all, there is a charger in the car. Why not use it? She knows it is there because she is the one that bought it for the car!
 All of this could have been avoided IF she had taken her phone with her! So Nathan had to walk back from the 7-11 store that he was at and almost hit by a car that ran a red light. Since she was already gone and without her phone no way I could call her and say hey... Pick him up at the 7-11 and not his job, So he had to walk back to his job which is a  long way from where he works.

 I don't know what has gotten into Karyn lately. I asked her to drop my stack of Christmas cards in the mail. She says that she did it but Nathan says that he was with her all day yesterday helping her move and at no time did she even go by the post office, even tho she told me that she did. Why lie to me? Why not just say "I'm sorry Mom I didn't have time or I just forgot to do it." Give me back the cards and I will do it myself!
 She did my laundry for me but has no idea where my bleach is or Nathan's laundry basket is. I specifically told her I need my bleach back and this is all of the dryer sheets I have so make sure that you get them back to me tonight. That was yesterday.
 Oh and how convenient it is that Joey got sick with some kind of virus and has been throwing up since the first day they moved into the apartment? Not that I believe that story at all. He was just to lazy to get out of bed and go and help her so she came and got Nathan to help her on his day off.

 Anyway I am going to be up because it is too soon for me to take anything else to help me sleep, and since I had a really nice long nap today I will not be able to sleep tonight which is going to make it hard for me tomorrow. I thought about passing the time and crocheting some tonight but am to agitated to work on it tonight. I did take some photos of what I have done so far. I had to pull out the first 5 rows and start over. Here are the pictures I took earlier of what I have done so far.

 It is turning out pretty but I didn't work on it today at all. I chose this stitch instead of the other in the first part that I ripped out. I was having so much problems with the yarn. I am going to have to return it. I thought that it could have been my needle but it wasn't. I switched out needles and still had the same problem. The threads kept separating with nearly every stitch and was really slowing me down.   The yarn it's self is defective I think. I started over with a new skein so it is so much better than the first skein I was using. I really like the gray that is in this yarn. It is called Icelandic. The other had more of a sea foam green and some sandy tan and purple. After she had time to look at it more, she didn't care for the purple in it. I am glad that she chose this one as I wasn't really fond of the other that she had chosen. This is coming together much prettier. Of course the pictures do not do the yarn justice.
 I really should have put in a few more rows today but I just didn't feel up to doing much except laying down today and resting. Last week was really a busy one so I did not feel guilty for taking today for myself.

 I really am enjoying my support group. It has been really informative and I have met some sweet people. This woman in Mississippi has been really nice. We really have a lot in common with our illness and in real life. She has just been diagnosed with PVD and Fibromyalgia. But she also has a heart condition but that can be controlled by mediation. It has been nice to have made a few new acquaintances. Even the groups owners are really nice. We had a meet and greet on the forum today. We introduced ourselves and told of where we live. One lady is from Peru and another is from Greenland and the rest of us are scattered all over the place but mainly the United States. No one in Texas has joined this group so far. I am the only Texan lol. I am sure that there will be more.

 The group will become locked at 100 members. They are talking about opening a second chapter because they don't want the group to become overwhelming. Most people will stop coming for support if it gets to large because it will become impersonal. I agree. I don't want to be a part of a huge group where no one can really form a connection to others. I was part of a group like that once and I didn't care for it. But I understand that they want as many people that are in pain to be able to go there for comfort and to ask for suggestions for help.

 A lady posted today a whole list of her ailments. Mainly she suffers from pain caused by a hip and 2 knee replacements. She talked of physical therapy and rehab. Everyone was so nice to her and welcomed her, even tho our group is totally different, we rallied around her as we would anyone because she is hurting, I can say for me I don't spend a lot of time at the group, when I do check in it is all supportive.

 I watched a link sent to my by Kyra on how to propagate my  Christmas Cactus. It was very informative Kyra, and thank you, I can see how I can easily have several of these beautiful plants to give away, Early Spring and summer is the best time and she even showed us how much water they require. Not much! I am hoping to get a few more colors before they are all sold out after Christmas.
 My next gardening of plants will be herbs. I miss my herbs. Not only are they awesome for cooking, they also repel mosquito's and flies and other pests. I wish that my patio was big enough for a ficus tree and a Bougainvillea. It is so tropical tho I would have to bring it inside and I really don't  have room for that. I do have a nice spot for a Ficus tree tho. .I would just have to push my table and chairs out further or turn them long ways to fit into the dining nook.

 I guess that I am going to try and lay back down. It is after midnight. I really should try and get some sleep so I will say good night and wish everyone a wonderful Monday. BB


  1. Really love the colors of your crochet work.
    Great that you found that support group and that it can really help you at times.
    Hope you finally got some sleep last night! A good night sleep casn do miracles, I wished I had some more of that good nights sleep too. But i will not take any meds for it I do sleep, but sometimes it seems I just don;t make enough hours in a row. Oh well, I have periods like that and then other times that i sleep much better, so I still cannot complain.
    Oh Beth, thanks for the mail. I will come back to you, but it probably will be later this week okay?
    For now, have a wonderful day, don't get too agitated by all the things you experience with Karyn and the boys! easy said, I know, but it effects you more than it will effect them I have the feeling!

  2. Sorry things aren't going so well lately. This is why I try not to have to rely on anyone to do my things. I try to do as much as I can by myself. Other people don't seem to have the same priorities as I do. Sad to say though, sometimes it is necessary to rely on others.

    Your crocheting is coming along nicely. Whatever happened to the ripples? Or maybe your daughter preferred not to have them? Either way, your afghan will be very pretty.

    Get some rest, and I'll call you later. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Hi Edna,
      Karyn decided not to have the ripples. I showed several patterns to her but she just wanted one with the variegated yarn.
      I agree that my priorities are not the same for every one. I prefer doing as much as I can as well. Hugs.

    2. Kyra sleep is really beautiful when we can get enough of it lol. I don't take meds every night or they will not help. Just when needed.

      I will talk to you later as I am trying to type on this smart phone and it's giving me fits and starts lol.
