Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Short Post

 Hi Everyone,
 So sorry that I have not posted this past week. I had some family issues to deal with and then I have just not felt well. I haven't done any scrap pages. Just one that I did of little Pogo for the 4th of July.
 I really don't know what is wrong, just feel bad. I have been in bed for the last 2 days so tired that I can not find the energy to get up and go outside or anything really.
 I make something to eat, go to my regular computer stops and then I am ready to lay down. Anyway I dug this one out of my archives from last year. It was one of my favorites. I remember being so small standing on my tip toes looking at the candy and bakery store. Good memories there. I sure miss all of my old kits. I have got to get an external hard drive.
 Ok well I have been putting this off and keeping it to myself for the most part. Discussed with family of course but maybe it will help to talk about it.

 Last week my daughter let her kids go up the block to the deli there. It is a famous one but I will not mention the name here. They live just a few blocks away. No reason that the kids, 7 and 9 cannot go for a soda.  She let them go for their soda and her an iced tea. They forgot to sweeten the tea and my daughter only realized after they were back that she was out of sugar, so she sent them back to get some sugar packets.
 An employee (That barely speaks English) grabbed my grand kids up and threw them into a back room. She jerked my grand daughters arm and taunted them, calling them thieves, said that they were never going to see their mom again. They were going to jail. Well you get the picture. She did other stuff too. Smacking them and so forth.
 My daughter got worried about them. The baby was asleep but she put him in the stroller and took off looking for them. She went to the deli as that is where they were supposed to have gone. She walked in and heard her kids crying so she called out them and they started crying  "Mama help me" and she started yelling for the kids to come to her and the woman refused to let them leave the room.
 She flew into the back room and she was so upset, the kids were shaking, crying hysterically and the woman yelled at my daughter, "Thieves" and so my daughter grabbed her kids and pushed them out into the lobby and called the police.
 I commend my daughter for holding it together as much as she did. I don't think that I would have had the patience but my daughter cussed her out. While Laurie was calling the police the woman called the manager and filed trespassing charges against my daughter.
 Yes you heard right.
 The woman claimed that she was frightened by my daughters actions!!!!!!!!!!
 Never mind that this woman put her hands on minor children, put them in a back room, taunted them and threatened them and smacked them around AND SHE WAS AFRAID?
 Well to make a long story short, the police did not want to issue the trespassing charge against my daughter but he had to.
 All of this because they went to get some sugar packets for a drink that they already bought and paid for.
 My daughter consulted a lawyer and I guess that we will know more after that appointment. Where is the justice in this world? When does it stop? I wish Laurie had pressed child endangerment charges against this woman but she was so scared for her kids and thankful that they were alright that she just said to the cop, "Don't worry about me ever coming back in here." she went home and called the Regional Manager that she knows personally and he promised to get back in touch with her. Of course that never happened.

 I want to say that I have always been open minded about helping refugee's and this woman is a refugee. I will not comment on the country but it has been an eye opener for me that perhaps we should be more aware of who is coming into our country. Maybe it is acceptable in her country to do what she did to my grand kids but it is not acceptable here  and the police should really have done more to help my daughter than to just pacify the manager of the store. She should have been arrested! But no, our justice system worked the other way and it was my daughter that had a trespassing charge against her. It will be dropped but that is not the point.
 Laurie had a lot of time to think about what she Should have done after she got her kids home safe.

 I went on Sunday to see the kids and we went to the store. When we took Laurie home I stayed in the car. The kids were afraid to even come out of the house to the car to tell me goodbye. This broke my heart, but when their mom and dad came out they finally did too. They don't want to leave and ride their bikes. They are afraid that the woman will see them again. They are afraid and this pissssssssses me off.

 I am not sure if this helped me or not. The more that I think about it the madder I get so I will close for now and leave it here but will update when I know more. Love to all and remember to Keep Your Children Close. BB

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the police should have done more for your daughter and grandchildren. I hope your daughter decided to press charges against this woman. I also agree that we need to do a better job of screening any immigrants that come into this country. Including all the illegal ones. This is our country, and these folks need to learn to respect our laws and abide by them. Or go back where they came from!!!!!

    Your grandchildren may need counseling to help them get past all of this. Gosh, I feel so badly for them. Every day, I am more and more grateful that I grew in the wonderful time that I did.

    It's time for me to get dressed now. Kevin will be picking Pogo and me up soon to go visit with Aunt Lucy. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a great day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
