Thursday, October 20, 2016

This Week Has Flown By.

 Hello Everyone,
  This page is made with a Celtic Knot Mask from my friend AudrajScraps. I have used it several times and it remains one of my favorites. And this is another one of my pages made from the same image.

 Sadly I have not really felt up to scrapping anything much so having this to play around with has been a little fun for me.

 I have heard great things about my daughter and grandkids settling into their new home in California.
 The first day I got these pictures....

 At the airport waiting to board their flight to California. For such cranky kids that day, they sure do have big smiles on their little faces. We made sure that they had dinner before they left but none of the kids seemed to be hungry so food was left on plates.
 Cathy had been crying because she could not take her Dalmatian Stuffed Animal on the plane with her. It in truth is almost as big as she is and so I have Spot with me. Not much comfort to her to have left him behind. She cried herself to sleep.
 Adrian was not happy when he left either. He clung to me and I to him. He was telling me that he didn't want to leave me. Even as we were saying goodbye as we were buckling them in, he reached for my hand and said. "NaNa please don't forget me...." As if I could ever forget my precious boy.
 Dante on the other hand fell asleep after his bath and was a terror. I can tell in the photo that he is so sleepy. No shoes... One was lost so we managed to put socks on him. I am not sure if the socks made it all the way to California or not. Since the day he was born he would never keep socks or shoes on.

 I might of shared this one already. Their first day in their new home. Cathy is wearing boots! Dante of course is barefoot... and the text under the photo was... "It's Snowing"....  I really love this picture of the kids.

 Cathy is a hat girl... the funnier the better. Here she has discovered the joys of giant pine cones.

 Look my little monkey is wearing shoes!!! It looks like the snow has melted!

 The last picture is one of mine. When I moved, my Ivy and another plant that I have no idea what it was had grown so huge that it had taken over my kitchen window. My neighbor always stopped to tell me how pretty the 3 that I had outside were. When I got ready to move I gave them to her. I only took cuttings of my Ivy and I kept the smaller plant that I have no idea what it is and gave her the big one.
 This picture is of the cuttings of Ivy and I cannot believe how much it has grown from just a few cuttings in water. The other plant is really growing too. I took this picture last weekend. Today they have grown even more.

 They are happy sitting on the patio. I will have to bring them in at night soon. I can set them on the table in front of the dining alcove window. They will get plenty of light there.

 The sky's are a pretty white and gray and in some places a dark blue as the rain and cold front slowly approaches. The wind is a little heavy with gusts that have the leaves swirling and flying about. I thought of opening the windows for a bit but I am by myself and still not secure enough to open them while I am alone in case I want to lay down and forget that I left them open.

 Cisco has finally started sleeping with me again... Whoo Woo... I missed my boy. Last night I was watching Scandal on Netflix and he was next to me. I swear he knew what was happening as when a stunning moment in each episode came on he would perk up and throw his head and ears back as if to say...  "What???? Oh No..." He is so funny. Right now he is content. He has had breakfast, out to potty and since we were up so late watching the series he is getting his beauty rest in case of another late night.

 My daughter has been after me to find some kind of series to watch for months now. Normally I watch documentary's and a movie occasionally because I can end it after it is over. With a series I can't do that because I am caught up in the characters and you know how series are. They leave you with the OMGosh what is going to happen next..... questions and so instead of putting down the device your using to watch your series you let it roll over to the next episode.

 Well last night with my foot hurting from some minor toenail surgery that hurt like hell, she called me and said "Mama go lay down, find a series and watch it. I will watch it with you and we can compare notes. It will give us something to do together."
 We had a lot to choose from but settled on Scandal. She has already seen most of it but decided that she needed to go back and see the first episodes as she had forgotten a lot of it. So Scandal it is.
 I am so hooked now. At first I was like... Wait they are talking way to fast. What did he say or she say? Who is this person? etc.... My maiden name is Beene. Imagine my delight to find that one of the main characters is named Beene. I know that it is spelled like this because I had to turn on subtitles in case I couldn't understand what was said. I think that my hearing is a bit off lol.

 Anyway I am really enjoying this series. My daughter Laurie and I got hooked on The Good Wife. We planned all day for Wednesday Nights. We would keep the kids up and wear them out, give them an early dinner and bath and got them to sleep most of the time so we could watch it. Then she moved to North Carolina and it was a few weeks before she and Dave bought a tv. I ended up moving to a rinky dinky town where reception was terrible and cable tv was almost the price of gold so I gradually stopped watching it.

 Then last year I asked Karyn if she had seen it and she said no, so I told her to give it a shot. Our conversations were a lot to do with the show. She kept me abreast of what was going on and the other day she told me about the season finale. She didn't want to in case I wanted to watch it but I told her I had lost interest when one of my favorite characters was killed off the show.
 She said "Mom I was so disappointed in the last episode. It ended alright but that was all. Just alright and I really expected a much better ending."
 But I am not going to spend all my days watching Scandal. I am saving that for my evenings. That is when I enjoy watching things anyway.

 I better get off of here. Lunch time is already here and I think that I am going to have some soup. Have a wonderful day everyone. BB

1 comment:

  1. Your layouts are lovely. Beautiful colors! I know what you mean about the TV series. I stay with the crime ones. Law & Order, Blue Blood, Project Runway, etc. I'm not into a lot of the others. I call them "evening soaps".

    The photos of your grandkids are beautiful. You are so blessed my friend. Sad they live so far away now, but it's a good time to start using the video chat on your computer. It's free!!

    Today is another gorgeous day here, so Pogo and I will be spending some time out on the porch. He loves it out there, so he'll be a very happy camper today. Actually, me too!

    The mailman is coming up the driveway now, so I'm off to get the mail. Pogo sends lots of woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
