Monday, October 17, 2016

Gift Cards VS Presents?

 Good Morning Everyone,

 What a gorgeous morning it is outside today. I spent my morning coffee time sitting outside and enjoying the cool morning, watching a few birds fly past. My new place does not offer the same in terms of wildlife. Perhaps because we live closer to the freeway but I don't think that has a lot to do with it. I haven't seen any squirrels or a lot of birds that sit and chatter and no bats. Now the back of the property on the way other side of us have a lot of wooded area. I am sure that is where they are all hanging out.

 So this is a scrap page of me using a Quick Page from Miss Edna, (Thank You Edna) and a mixture of several kits that I have. This is the original picture that I created using a fun program.

 I thought that this was perfect for Halloween coming up.... I added an aged effect to it. I enjoy playing around with images.

 So what can I tell you today worthy in the way of news? Nothing much actually. My foot looks and feels so much better. By the end of the day it is hurting but that is when I just call it a day and usually go to bed with my books or watch a documentary. Right now I am watching The Worlds Worst

 The things that I have learned in the disasters that are History Legends. Do you know that Floods are the number one killer of all? Of all the earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards and the rest, it is the water that is most destructive and the biggest killer. I had to end the episode 10 minutes before the ending. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I will finish it today when I lay down for a while.

 Well I know that we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving for us here in the US to get thru but wow Christmas is just around the corner. I am trying to think of little gifts that I can give that will not break my bank. Luckily I bought a few things along the way this past year. Nothing big but candles for my son in law, special coffees that my son in law likes and for Karyn I got her a really nice purse that she had been eyeing for a while. Hot teas for Jonathan and a packaged box of his favorite body wash, deodorant and cologne. The same for Nathan, (Different Scents) except he will also get a set of ear phones that he likes. Those little buggers are expensive but I caught them on sale. I also seen Jonathan eyeing a movie yesterday when we went out to the grocery store. He was reading the back of it and I asked if he had seen it and he said "No" so if it is still there when I get paid I will grab it up for him. Stocking Stuffer's are easy.

 I know that it seems impersonal to give gift cards to people (Or so I have heard) but I don't have a thing against getting a Gift Card.

 I would much rather send a gift card to someone and let them pick out something that I know that they would like vs buying something that will never be used or wanted for that matter. I know that Karyn and Joe for example love to eat at the Olive Garden and it is usually a big treat for them when they get to go. So why would it be wrong to get them a nice Gift Card to Olive Garden?

 Well a friend of mine said to me... "Beth that is just tacky. It shows that you don't care enough about the person to actually take the time and shop for them. It is soooooooo easy just to stand in line and grab a gift card at the check out stand." So I am not sure if that was a slap in the face or a little wake up call that a Gift Card is indeed tasteless.

 So now I am doubting my gift giving of gift cards. And I shouldn't let people's opinions influence me but if they knew how I struggle every month just to buy the necessities, let alone try to pay the postage on shipping something to someone and hoping that they like what ever it is that I bought maybe they would understand why I thought of doing it.

 Years ago when I had money haha, I had a friend that was undergoing chemo. She had two small kids and on the days that she had her treatments, she was so sick. She had left her husband a couple of years before and lost her job when she found out she had cancer. She and the kids lived in a hotel for a couple of months. Finally her ex started paying child support and she was able to rent a small house. Anyway those chemo treatments kicked her butt.

 I called a restaurant that worked with me to deliver a meal to her family those nights. Anonymously of course. She would call and tell me "Oh Beth, someone sent dinner to my family. It just made me cry that someone would think of doing that for me." At the end of the Chemo treatments I sent her a meal, with a huge chocolate cake and a card letting her know that I loved her. I never told her that it was from me. But I think that she must have guessed it along the way. Still isn't something like that thinking of a person? Isn't that kind of the same thing as giving a gift card?

 I don't know yet what I will  do. I do know that the kids will have good Christmas's. So for them they are getting gift certificates to McDonald's and to Walmart to pick out a gift. When I found out Laurie was moving to California I gave the presents early so they could take it with them when they moved. Laurie was able to get them in them in the bags so she said that she would wrap them for me. I was glad that the kids didn't see them. That is one worry off my mind. Now just 2 more to go.

 Anyway I have another little thing to share and then I have to get busy here. I stopped in the post to make Cisco and I an Omelet and a piece of toast. Oh he really loved his. He licked the plate clean. I get lectures about feeding him human food but you know what? He is a senior citizen. He deserves a treat once in a while.
 He didn't get his bath yesterday. Today will be the day. I will unpack a couple of more boxes today. Right now I have to clean up the kitchen from our Breakfast/Brunch and make my bed.
 You all have a great day and if you don't mind, could you leave some feedback on what you think about Gift Cards. I seriously want to know what you think. I can't get straight answers from my kids. They all say they don't care one way or another and the truth is they really don't but I do have others that I want to buy for.

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