Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sunday Night And Early Night For Me.

 Hi This is an older scrap layout. This little fairy is just too sweet so I dug her out of my archives and decided to post this one today. I used most of everything on this page from Caroline Blue and the fairy as well. I recently went to her site and I guess she isn't doing anymore scrap freebies anymore. I really was disappointed. The blue flowers came from my friend Robyn Kidd in a personal kit she made for me.

 Today has been a lazy day. I have really just didn't do very much of anything. Jonathan and I are doing laundry tomorrow so we got that all ready to do and I cleaned the kitchen and my bathroom. And I picked up some things that needed put away. So I really haven't done a lot.

 I ordered Jon and I dinner tonight.  I had coupons for our favorite take out place. Buy one entree and get the other free. So we got some beef and rice and soup for each of us. Total came out to less than 5.00 dollars a piece. It was a good deal. He bought me lunch two days in a row so this is my treat but the last one of the month. Thank goodness for coupons.

 On Tuesday I get my first order for my produce. I can't wait to see what all I get with this club that I joined. We were going grocery shopping but I told Jonathan to hold off until we see what we get then plan meals around that. I have chicken and hamburger int the fridge. I also have several packages of frozen vegetables but it will be so great to have fresh.

 My mom used to can from our garden, I canned fruit jams and jelly's and beets and also did a lot of Ice Box pickles. I have some canning jars so I might have some good stuff to can but I really don't know. Also canning is hard work and everyone has to be careful because if you don't do it right then botulism can set in and I don't want to poison anyone. Just feed them lol. So my canning days are a bit rusty.

 I need a shower too. I should do that before our dinner arrives. They said an hour so I might have time to do that and to make my bed. My plan is to settle down in front of my TV and watch my show. Then I can go to sleep and rest.

 On that note I will say goodnight.... Take care everyone, BB

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely layout! A lot of designers have stopped making freebies. And a lot of designers have just dropped out of designing altogether. It's kind of sad.

    If you get that program that I suggested for Christmas, I'll bring lots of accessories with me to Florida that you can use in the program. Actions, etc.

    You have a great relationship with your kids, and I think that's great. So many families don't take the time to have this.

    Now I'm off to post a pattern and work a bit in Photoshop. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a great day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
