Thursday, September 14, 2017

One More Doctor Appointment And I Have A Break

 A page made with the beautiful kit Summer Glory by Kyra. Word art is made with a kit called Day of Hope. I hope that you enjoy it.

 I have been so busy I have met myself coming and going. I have to see my Rhematologist today. Yesterday it was my Gastroenterology. Finally a break until the 22nd.... (I think) I need to check my calendar. I have had it up to my ears in appointments, and eye surgery on the 27th. I am really dreading that one.

 I need to get dressed and go and take Cisco out. He and Jonathan got in a argument this morning. It seems that he does not want to get out of his warm bed to go out to potty. Jonathan said "Fine, You can just stay there till lunch". Cisco actually snapped at him. I don't think that it is pain related. He just doesn't want to get up in the mornings. He use to wake us up, now we have to prod and plead with him to get up!

 Well I just took Cisco out and the man at the end of our apartment building was standing outside his door minding his own business and Cisco wanted no part of him standing there. Even tho I had a good handle on him he was barking so ferociously the man motioned that he was going back inside lol. Once he was in the safety of his apartment Cisco trotted off as if he owned the world and went to potty. Reverse situation on the way back in lol. I do hope that Cisco did not traumatize the man!!! He is so protective so I can't hold that against him!

 Neither one of us had a good nights rest. I think that sometimes I become so tired during the day that I just cannot sleep at night. When I do sleep I don't rest well as I either dream strangely or I toss and turn but worse is when I can't fall into the good deep sleep. Just the light sleep that means my eyes are shut but my mind is racing. I know that has a lot to do with everything going on in my days. I have had all these appointments, then I have just been so busy with other things.

 I just canceled my Rheumotology appointment today. I am just not up to going. It is not a very important one, just a 3 month follow up. I just didn't feel up to going. I am just so tired. I don't know if it is allergies or a summer cold but what ever it is it is taking a toll on me. Cisco is back in his bed sleeping right now. I should go and do the same. At least try.

 The boys are off to work and I am home alone with Cisco. I will be right back. I have something to do right fast. Well my decision has been made for me. I took my temperature and it is 100.9 so that answers that question. Allergies do not cause fever. So I am off to take some Tylenol and go back to bed....

 Be sweet everyone and have a great day.... BB


  1. Your layout is pretty, but the word art is not so easy to read. Your life seems to have been really hectic lately. No wonder you're tired. Plus you get run down when you are constantly on the go and this makes you catch colds and whatever else is going around rather easily.

    Cisco is getting a bit older and likes to sleep in late now. I understand that well. I like to sleep in late too.

    Now I have to take Pogo out to see if he wants to potty a bit. Then I'll get to the laundry and whatever else I need to do before I can sit down and relax.

    Beth, get some rest. Hopefully things will clear up soon and you'll be feeling better. Give Cisco big hug from Pogo. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Oh gosh, I know how it feels to be tired, but not getting a good sleep. Somedtimes I can sleep for two hours or so, rather deep, but then wake up again. Of course go back to sleep, but then, like you have, all kinds of things are going round in my mind, or sometimes have a strange dream. All caused by the actual situation, I guess. It will get better, just don;t know when LOL.
    Perhaps you were right to cancel one appointment. Too many doctor appoinments right close to eachother is very tiring. all the running around , then squuezing in some things that has to be done in between the appointments(and the time it takes to go there and get back home).
    It all takes it's toll.
    Hopefully it is just a short fever, perhaps from a kind of cold or little virus. Take care of yourself, and take the rest whenever you feel up to it.
