Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Valentines Day 2017

 Happy Valentines Day to everyone,
 If you are lucky enough to receive Chocolates this year.... Indulge and Enjoy...!

 So hello to everyone, I hope that everyone has had a fantastic week. It has been a bit boring here on my end. Not been doing too much. Having some lazy days and some time to read and to do some other things. Planning mostly. I am getting so excited as Florida is getting closer every day and I will be so happy to meet Edna and Pogo!

 Before I start yakking about things I really do want to tell you about Cisco. Everyone knows that he is the special baby in my life and we have a bed time ritual. He comes into my room with his little orange dog and drops the dog at my feet and sits and looks at me. That is my cue that he is ready for bed. If I ignore him for a minute he paws me seeking attention.
 Tonight I picked him up to put him on the bed and he whined. Well I didn't give him time to get his puppy dog! So I had to put him down so he could grab it and then put them into bed.
 This is the longest that he has ever had a stuffed toy and he loves this little dog. I took this picture the other day and then I put it in the photo program on my phone and filtered it. I like the way that it looks.

 I really do make up my bed but Cisco likes it all scrunched up so he gets what he wants most of the time. He is so funny. He is so protective of his baby. Normally he would have chewed it up and there would be nothing left of it, but from the first, he has cuddled with it every night. I am going to see if it is all in one piece when I get back from Florida. He might be mad at me for going away and leaving him behind. We will see!

 There really isn't much to blog about. The kids have been doing their own thing and so have I. Karyn, Jonathan and I went to Panda Express for Chinese food. Which we brought home. It was all chicken and beef and so I was comfortable with eating some of it.
 I don't really enjoy Chinese food anymore. I have lost my taste for it. So I ate a little of it and then had some peaches and some cheese and crackers. I use to love it, but for some reason it is not a part of my appetite anymore.
 I do like the place that Karyn took me to called Pad Thai. They do all of their seafood in a totally different area and I don't have to worry about cross contamination and I really love their spices vs the Chinese dishes. I also enjoy Korean food but am not a fan of Vietnamese food.
 Truth be told I like good old American comfort food and Mexican food. That is about it. I will eat Italian once in a while, and I like Mediterranean and Greek food, but I reserve that for special occasions.

 I have discovered beading. Ever since Edna sent me my gorgeous charm bracelet I have loved looking at different beads! I have a feeling that I am going to be addicted to it. So much fun. I can't wait to learn. I am going to make Karyn one for my first project. I have been looking around. I thought that I found the perfect birthstone set for her, but it turned out to be my birthstone and not hers. Mine is pink and hers is purple. So tonight when she was over I said... KK choose a color, pink or purple and she said Pink... so pink it is. Unless I find a pretty blue that I like. I had asked her a series of questions, what she liked and so far, butterflies, Ocean stuff, books, dogs, arts and crafts, wine and margaritas! Then Jonathan called her away so that they could talk about movies. But I know of other things that she likes. Music and flip flops, desserts, especially cup cakes. I will find what I need.
 One thing that I can say about my kids is that they like everything. There has never been anything that I have given them that they haven't liked. They are always grateful and that makes me so happy. I know a lot of people who agonize on what to get for their kids and I don't have that kind of worry with mine.

 I haven't done many scrap pages. I did do one for my friend Rosie who is having a bad time of it right now with her MS acting up. Bless her heart, she and her husband came down with a bad flu and she was just getting over it when her MS started acting up but she put up a new kit and I made a page for her to cheer her up....

 This is called Sweet Spring. Isn't it just lovely? She is a special lady. She lives about 3 hours North of me, maybe a little further. One day I am going to make a point to go and see her. She called me right before Christmas. Her daughter Becky is doing wonderful in college. She has made all A's so far on all of her tests. She is studying Wildlife and something with the Zoo and she wants to work protecting animals that are on the endangered species list. She was meant for it. I need to sit down and make her a page as well. She is part of our scrapbooking forum and she sent a wonderful note to everyone before leaving for College saying that she will be on when she can, but will be spending most of her time with her studies... She is also very dedicated. Rosie is missing her too a lot. Becky is an only child and a miracle baby as well so I know that Rosie is missing her dreadfully.

 I went for a glass of water and no matter how quiet I try to be Cisco has a built in radar. He was sitting up in bed watching the door when I returned. Makings sure that I don't go away too far! He is snuggled back down now. I hate to wake him up but he has my spot! I will have to move him,

 I think that I will close for now and do some crocheting and put a few rows onto Karyn's afghan. I haven't worked on it in a few days so it is time to do some work on it.
 Have a wonderful Valentines Day to everyone, and until next time.... Be Kind to each other... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your valentine and your scrap layout are lovely. I love the photo of Cisco and his little orange doggie. It makes my heart happy.

    I'm almost done with my tax stuff (my part of it anyway) and I'm feeling better about it. Florida can't get here too soon. Although I must say that I have a ton of things to do before we leave here.

    I've started making up my "to do" list. Gosh, it seems like every time I turn around I think of something else to add to the list. Ah well, what gets done, gets done.

    Now I must go out front and check the mail. Give Cisco a big hug and lick from us. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
