Monday, July 25, 2016

Depression Hurts!

 Hi everyone,

 I did this page the other day when I was at a very low point. Even being surrounded with family and friends it can strike and leave you feeling alone and lonely. I found myself in this dark place even while I was surrounded with love from my kids and grandkids. In reality these are the Emotions that I was feeling.

 Like every family in the world, ours is not perfect. We all have our faults and we all have things that we need to work on. But with the grandkids here this past week, I found out how much we have to work on.
 While the grandkids are basically good kids, they are little Stinkers....... Laurie is Zoned OUT... she is exhausted and I am not sure what is going on with her. She confided to Karyn that she and David are separated. To me she says that he is just out in California working. I finally confronted her and she said that she doesn't know what is going on with them.
 She is worrying so much about the state of her marriage that she is just zoning the kids and everyone else out. There is more going on but I told her... You gotta get up, You gotta stand up, and You gotta get a handle on these kids.
 They didn't listen to a single word that she had to say. They Ignored her at every turn. Well that set off some deep heated exchanges between me and Nathan and them. They had time outs, they had a totally different experience with their grandmother who has always lavished love and praise on them and instead they saw me angry with them. They were not going to disrespect me and Nathan and I wasn't allowing them to disrespect their mama either. But Laurie got her own lectures.
 Laurie said... I am so tired. I am dealing with 3 kids alone and I feel like I can't deal with anything right now.
 So OK... your here now. You can make a start right now with the help of your family. All I can say at this point that she has to get a grip on everything. I told her that she was not the only woman raising kids alone at this point. Even if she and David work things out she has got to carry on and I know that she is depressed. I see it. I deal with it. I know what it is like. I know what it can do to a person. So whether she wants to or not at this point is irrelevant. She needs to see a doctor.
 She also has chronic pain. Has lived with it for years. I asked her... You have insurance so why haven't you talked to your doctor? She says she has and he blows her off. I said... Find a new doctor.
 Karyn and I are going to make more of an effort to help her but until this past week we didn't know the circumstances. For the last 3 months she has been saying... Everything is fine, when the world was crashing down on her and Laurie is not one to ever ask for help. She didn't have to ask this week. We saw first hand how much she needs help.
 Anyway so this is where I am this week. My depression is better right now. Mainly because I have more to focus on than my own depression right now. I have my outlets, she has none. No car, no money, no way to get back and forth. The kids will be starting school soon and we talked her into moving closer to us. Karyn has set her in motion to get some financial help and put her touch with some programs to help her.
 Personally I would be contacting the Military and let them know what is going on with his check. She is supposed to get an x amount and with 3 kids she is entitled to more than what she is getting. He did say that he would pay their rent but she has to pay everything else. Well gee what a nice guy! I wish that I had 5 minutes with him face to face!
 But right now I have to go. My house is a total disaster and I spent most of the day yesterday hibernating in my room.......... Take care BB

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear of so much upheaval in your life. If your daughter goes to court, they will award her an amount that the military will deduct from hubby's pay and send directly to her. That should be a help to her. You are right, she needs to start thinking of her children and get a grip on herself. Women all over the world raise their children by themselves. She's lucky to have a family who is willing to help her.

    Depression is nasty thing. As long as you can recognize it and know enough to ask for help you have half the problem licked. Good for you.

    God had a plan when he had us raising our young ones while we were still young ourselves. He knew that we'd need all our patience and strength to do the job right.

    Now I'm off to do a couple things around here, and maybe give my little guy another bath. I think I'm going to have to take him back to his doctor. This itch is not going away. I feel so bad for him.

    I'm off now. You have a wonderful day, and give Cisco a lick and a woof for Pogo. Hugs, Edna B.
