Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Yellow Rose Of Texas

 Hi Everyone,

 I am only up for a little while. Nasty bug caught me. Between the sniffles, sneezes, body aches and pains, along with the fever, it is probably the flu. Thankfully I had my flu shot and if it is the flu then perhaps this is just a light case. I get up when I can, but I admit that I am frequently headed back to bed after small trips to the bathroom and kitchen.

 I wanted to do a page of something so I had this box of Kleenex in my bathroom and the words to the song The Yellow Rose Of Texas are printed on the box. Every time I went into the bathroom I would see this box and couldn't get the words out of my head. We use to sing this song when I was in grade school. It is one of those Texas Classics that was brought back into my memory.
 Too bad that so many of the good things that I remember of being in school is just a past memory now. No more prayer, or singing or Pledge Of Allegiance. How sad for our Country to have come to this.

 I remember how we looked forward every morning to stand before the flag and our Principle started the day with a prayer over the intercom, and then played The Star Bangled Banner. Announcements were made, the days lunch menu was given from a selected student, and we all looked forward to real lunches where there was a meal such as meat loaf and mashed potatoes, corn and green beans.  Fridays were a favorite because it was hamburger or sloppy joes..... Now it is junk food....

 Mid morning we all had milk break. For a nickle we could choose white or chocolate milk. Some times we had an extra treat. A mom might provide cookies or cupcakes.
 We had Room Mothers and they were there often with a treat or a craft. Valentines Day is around the corner. By this time of the year we would be making our Valentine Boxes and they would go on the wall until we had our Valentine Party. We made everyone of our valentines in Art class. No one was left out.
 This is another long lost tradition.... Due to stupid rules and regulations or for violating someones human rights, school parties are really a thing of the past. A few schools still participate but not like years before. I can understand the food. Too many food allergies, but couldn't special care be taken for those children? Nope so the rest of the kids just has to do without as well.

 Well anyway, these memories linger in my mind today and I thought that I would share them. It is time for me to lay back down. My energy is rather sapped. I go to the doctor tomorrow so I hope that I will be feeling better.... Have a great day and Be Blessed.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Yup, the kids today will never know the joys of our childhoods. Interesting you should make a layout of the Yellow Rose of Texas. I was just reading up on the history behind the song not too long ago. Very interesting.

    We only got a few inches of snow(so far) with lots of wind. Just a few miles south and west of us did not fare so good. We were lucky.

    I'm up early this morning, but I think I'll be going back for a nap in a while. Give Cisco a lick from Pogo. Chat with you later, hugs, Edna B.
