Monday, June 26, 2017

Happy Days


 How is everyone?  I am doing well I guess. I will have to finish this later. Something came up.... dang it.

 This is a page I made for my friend Debbie for her Anniversary today... Happy Anniversary Debbie to you and your hubby!

 This is an update. I had to stop and take care of a couple of things and I guarantee something else will pop up before I end up finishing this post.

 I took Saturday off from the computer and most of yesterday as well, so I have been wanting to update, to tell the truth there just isn't much going on that I have to tell. I know that my life is really boring for the most part so that is one of the reasons such big gaps lately and if not anything going on then I am running back and forth from dentist to doctor and it drains me.

 Still I do have some news to share.... I have wanted for a long time to have a cast iron skillet.... Yes... I finally got one, and it is already seasoned too. Thank You Joe and Karyn for this skillet... And of course I had to cook something... so I did...

 This is the first batch of Fried Potatoes... I did these in round, like chips because one of our favorites is Fried Potato Sandwiches....

 As you can see the first ones are done but we nibbled on them haha... so that is why there are so few on the plate and they were sooooo good. Jonathan and I had a very nice treat. I am thinking of an apple or peach cobbler for the next food project. Of course I will cook some other things too. It is deep enough to cook a chicken in or a chicken fried steak or something frozen.
 I have always loved cast iron. My ex husband bought me a set that I loved. It even had a dutch oven and 4 different sized skillets and a huge kettle. He tossed a fit when we separated and wanted the set back so I gave it back to him. Broke my heart but the man was causing me so much misery that if I could keep the fight down I gave him the damn cast iron back.
 Later on I got a few other pieces here and there but then the flood came and they rusted in the flood waters. I cleaned them and seasoned them and then while I was having surgery someone vandalized my house while I was in the hospital and took them.
 So for years I have wanted a cast iron skillet and Joe somehow got this one and has spent a long time seasoning it for me. So I was and still am very happy for the gift.

 Right now I am on the phone on hold with the pharmacy to check on my medication.... It was supposed to have been electronically filled today but she was going to send it in Friday.... Said I could probably pick it up yesterday. The pharmacy has said it has not arrived yet. I have been hurting since yesterday. I hate it when things like this happens. I try to be extra careful not to run out but sometimes I don't have a choice. It is just super aggravating for me. Always something I swear.

 Oh My Gosh, Someone actually helped me!!!! My medication is being submitted in the next half hour... How about that!!!???? What do you want to bet that it isn't? There will be some kind of delay I bet. Nothing like this ever goes smoothly for me.

 On Saturday Karyn came over early and said that they were having a pool party here at our resident pool.. I made a mental note to go and promptly forgot about it. It was an Hawaiian theme with BBQ sandwiches, potato salad, cole slaw and chips, dips, and drinks and live music with dancing and raffles and prizes.... My loss... I cannot believe that I forgot.

 But in my defense I have felt really bad this past few days with dental stuff and everything going on here it has just taken a toll on me. Besides it has been so hot and muggy that getting out has been hard for me. I still wanted to go tho.

 I am going to lay down for a while but have a few cute things to share.....

 Ok so this might not be in the best taste but it sure brought me a giggle or two..... Please don't be offended by my little post....

 I can relate.... lol...

  This is Cisco IF I walk out the door minus the tie... that face.... Please don't leave me... yet he has no qualms of deserting me when the boys come home!!
 My Cisco is becoming hard of hearing. The boys call him to go potty and he never hears them but if I sneak to the fridge for a piece of cheese he hears that wrapper.....!!! Selective hearing I guess.

 Who remembers this??? Not sure about other countries but this use to be a BIG HUGE DEAL when I was growing up. It came in different colors. Green, Blue, Yellow and Pink and at one point I think that it even came in clear.

 Well I guess that when Matthew was on the verge of becoming a teenager... 12 or 13 he was really into the hair gel to keep his hair spiked. I told him too bad that he didn't have Dippity-do because it would hold his look into place for days.
 He laughed at me and said I made that up. No such thing... So I thanked the internet and saved this picture and sent it to him on Facebook a couple of years ago and came across it again not long ago. I said.... Right... No such thing eh....

 Ok I am off of here, going to take my rest now. I also have a headache.... Hugs to all and be kind... BB

Sunday, June 18, 2017

June, Such A Busy Month

 Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there that are deserving to be recognized. A special Day to my son Matthew for spending this day working to provide for his children, and to the dads that have fur babies, adopted children, and all the other reasons that Dad's deserve this Honor.

  June has been a very busy month for me. Birthdays, Anniversary's, Weddings, and a host of other things. I made this card the other day for my friend Audrey for her Birthday. I also have another to share for my friend June. Her birthday was first and maybe I should have posted that one first. I really haven't been scrapping much lately with the crazy appointments and my teeth and what not.

 This one is made for my friend June. Of all of the people that I know, I only have one friend named June and she was born in June. I wonder if that is how she got her name? I will have to ask one day.

 Yesterday was miserable for me. I was so very depressed and finally I had a good cry and got it out of my system. I don't really know why I was depressed other than that my daughter Laurie still hasn't spoken to me since March. I miss her and I miss my grandkids and I think that was the root of the whole thing. Still little things just seemed to magnify and pull me even further into sadness but I have a friend Andrea that picked up on my sadness. She texted me to see why I have not been to the group in ages.
 I told her the truth. I was looking for a smaller group. It was just 59 members when I joined. I was number 59. Since I have joined it has grown to over 300 members and I just don't feel that one on one connection and it is hard to respond to people that are new and I can't keep up. So I quit going to the group. Besides that I don't feel up to telling my story over and over when new people ask me questions. Anyway she and I talked for several hours as she is wanting to learn how to do digital scrapbooking. She already has Print Master so she has an idea of how it works and I told her that I would teach her the basics and direct her over to places for free kits. There is so many out there that buying them now just seems to be a waste of money.

 I have a few photos to share to brighten your day I hope...

 Now isn't this just super adorable????? I fell in love with this photo. I joined Microsoft Rewards so in my daily quest, this one popped up and I love it....

 At the airport in San Diego California they have a restroom area for pets! This is such an awesome thing to have as so many people travel with their pets. It is the only one that I have searched that has a restroom for our fur babies. I hope that it catches on and that more airports will do this as well. Some might already have this area but San Diego was the only one that I found.

 This heat wave has taken a toll on everyone and our poor animals are suffering as well. This is a photo of a squirrel chilling out over a bowl of ice. Edna I know that some days is not as others in your area but since you have squirrels perhaps on hot days this might help. As the ice melts they will have cool water too.

 Another Happy and Smiling fur baby!!! He looks so cute! I couldn't resist this one either....

 I found some beautiful photos of food. The story was "Did your mother ever tell you Not to play with your food"? and then it went on to say that sometimes playing with your food is a wonderful thing to do.. Here are some photos of awesome food. Definitely some creative people out there....

 Isn't this gorgeous???? So pretty I would hate to destroy it by eating it lol.

 I love this one too.

 And finally this last one... How cute is this????

 I guess that is all I have for today. I will have to go to Google and search my photos as I came across several last night.

 I am probably going to have to take my tablet back and exchange it. It keeps freezing up but I did some searches and I might have found the answer. It says that my device needs a certification. I checked this out and it is not certified so it can cause problems with apps. I am going to have Jonathan look at it when he gets home. He took Nathan to work.

 Nathan is thinking of giving his 2 week notice. They sent out a message that over this weekend, the waiter or waitress that makes the most money in orders will receive a $100..00 bonus. They do not give out tables fairly. The hostess didn't like our friend Kevin and he would get to work at 10:00 am and not get but 1 or 2 tables, then at 4:00 pm when he was getting off of work, they would slam him with huge tables. So many that he couldn't keep up and they knew that he was leaving work. He would do the hard work, serving and stuff and before the party left another waiter or waitress would get his table and his tips as they would tell him to go home. He broke his arm in a car accident and still managed to work. He finally had to quit. He wasn't making any money at all and if he complained they made it harder on him.

 Nathan has been promised to learn to cook over a year now and he hasn't gotten it. They have hired new people straight off the bat for the position. Last week he talked to the manager and was promised that he would get the job. Instead now he is taking on extra work he never had to do before and they hired this man for the cooking position and are training this other man. I will not eat there anymore. They are very biased and not a fair company and the managers and Hostess have their favorites and so he is never going to advance there.

 I am cleaning my bedroom and bathroom today. It is getting to be in bad shape, but I have just not felt up to doing it. But while I have some energy I want to get it taken care of.

 Have a wonderful day everyone... BB

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dental Work Is Still Painful In 2017

 Hi Everyone,

 This is the page that I made for Karyn last year for her Birthday....

 And this is the one that I made for her this year.  My girl loves the ocean!

 So yesterday was my big day to getting teeth removed. Going over the preliminary medical history and so on I was told that I had a credit so I could possibly have up to 4 teeth pulled. Imagine my excitement, but the oral surgeon quickly put an end to that thought.
 He said that me being a diabetic no way was he going to leave a gap span of 4 teeth as it was dangerous and would never heal properly.
 It didn't matter in the end anyway because my blood pressure spiked a bit and they got out the second one and stopped, just as he had intended to do.
 I am sure it was due to the pain because the second one he attempted was embedded pretty far down and due to the infection in my mouth it hurt more. Bless his heart,  he really tried to make me as comfortable as possible.
 And even better news is that I will continue to see him. I don't have to see who is on call and not get stuck with the one that rushed us in and out like cattle. This man took his time and said, "I will take as much time as you need" and he did but DAMN it still HURT!

 In this day and age I would think that they could make it just a bit easier but but there is no escaping the shots that have to go in deep and hurt so bad. Years ago patients with health problems were just admitted to the hospital and all removed at once. They really don't do that anymore. Anyway I have 5 left. There was a piece of a tooth hidden so it had to come out.

 Needless to say I didn't sleep well at all. Nathan gave me some clove oil that really helped and Jonathan went to the drug store to get me gauze but they didn't have the kind that I needed so he got me cotton balls and they are big enough that I can dab the clove oil on and apply to the outside of my gums. Sure did help a lot. But I woke up at 3 hurting and I used the clove oil again instead of taking any more pain meds. It eased me enough that I could sleep. I am still really sore and I know that ice packs are my friend (Smile)....

 It broke my  heart to hear about the fire in London and on top of all the recent tragedy's that they have experienced in the last few months. Then here on our home front we had a shooting in Virginia and another in San Francisco. You know how everyone wants to take away our fire arms? Well I seen an article from a senator this morning that said, "I will be carrying a gun from now on". Hmmm strange how when it effects them, gun laws should be changed so they can protect themselves, It is a touchy issue so I will not go there but it is a sad shame regardless.

 Sorry that this is so short, but I need to take my morning meds and lay back down. Have a great day to all.... BB

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Just Where Does The Time Go?

 Hi Everyone,

 I made this page for my friend Ri who accidentally slammed her hand into a car door. Lucky nothing is broken, just black and blue and swollen and hurts! She loves vintage and this kit from Kyra couldn't have suited her any better. Actually I think that I combined two kits, but the results are so beautiful.

 So where does the time go? I logged in and found that I haven't posted since June 5th! That just does not seem possible but the computer is more accurate than I am.

 I am always dealing with something and this time a huge ulcer. I can say that the medicine is helping but it is slow going and I still have burning and pain but it is coming and going and not constant as it was.

 I slept fitfully last night. It was a surprise to me as I have been sleeping like a baby on this new medicine. I had strange dreams as well. I can only bring bits and pieces together but they left me tossing and turning and and at one point I awoke in a sweat and had to change my night gown.
 Cisco was worried about me and laid at my feet in the bathroom and then whined when I went back to bed tapping the side of the bed. I picked him up and cuddled with him for a long time. I swear if he could crawl into my skin he would!

 Karyn just stopped by on her lunch break. She is still sick but not contagious. Just not feeling her best. It was her birthday on Friday and I had planned on finishing her bracelet to give to her but I will do that and give it to her when she is feeling more like celebrating. Right now she is under so much pressure at work and is thinking of going to work for a private sector since she has her 10 years in. She is, as Jonathan is really tired of the way her office is ran, and the case loads that just seem to grow and grow. Now instead of managing her team as she has been doing the last 2 years, she is reviewing a lot of cases that other offices are sending in for mistakes. In other words, crap work.

 I guess that the reason that I haven't posted in such a while is the fact that I have no news to tell. Everything is about the same around here day after day.
 It is hot hot hot. and that is nothing new. The entire United States is having a heat wave or disastrous weather of some kind.
 In Minnesota on Sunday they had a hail storm that was so bad that the ground was white and had to be plowed with a snow plow to clear the roads. It looked like snow had dumped on them. I couldn't believe the video and pictures.
 The humidity is high and makes everyone feel irritable as well. My out door plants are thriving tho. They are growing wonderfully and so far my Living Christmas tree is hanging on. I brought it back inside but it is not healthy. I guess that we are not cold enough for it to thrive.

 I am going to take my tablet back to Walmart. There is something wrong with it. No matter what app I am using it freezes up and I have to shut the entire app out so playing a game or reading the news or anything I do it is always saying something has stopped working and needs to close. I still have the receipt so I hope that they will exchange it. It is aggravating for this to be happening. I always seem to get lemons when it comes to electronics.

 Well news is short today so I will close and hopefully some good news will come my way soon to share. I go to the dentist tomorrow and have 3 more teeth pulled. Jonathan is taking me to the library to turn in my books and he will stop at the store to buy me some jellos and food to get me thru. I hope that I can manage my pain and I hope that all goes well with getting all these teeth out.

 Have a great day to all..... BB

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Past Is Good To Revisit Sometimes

Hi Everyone,
 This kit is by Snickerdoodle Designs. I first saw this kit back in January, right in time for Valentines Day. I almost bought it but I decided not to when I went to the website and fought with the store because for some reason it would not accept my credit card. I also had a $5.00 coupon off of the regular price.

 I really wanted this kit. I normally do not buy them. Thanks to my wonderful friends Kyra, Rosie, Anita and a few more I have more kits than I ever dreamed possible just for taking the time to download them.
 But when I seen this kit I knew I wanted it and I also knew just the photo I wanted to use. The other day I was looking at the Mermaid Shimmer kit and I went looking to see if this one was on sale. It wasn't but I still wanted it.

 I debated over it. I made myself a cup of coffee and I went out to the patio and I sat there thinking... Ok I will love the Mermaid Shimmer but honestly I cannot use all of it really. Just for those Beachy pages and that is ok because it really is a pretty kit. But my heart was still set upon this one. It is called "My Heart Lives Here".

 So I made myself a deal. If I could think of 3 good reasons not to go ahead and buy it then I would put it out of my mind until next month.
 I came up with 2. The first being the price of $7.00. The second reason was I really do have a lot of kits. But I really couldn't think of a third good reason so I made another deal with myself.
 IF I still wanted the kit as bad as I did before I went outside with my coffee I would buy it. But first I would go back to the previews and have a closer look.

 Coffee finished I came back to my room and sat down at my computer and I went to the previews. If I could only just have one kit this was the one I wanted. In the end I bought them both because Mermaid Shimmer was on sale with a big discount!

 I also knew the photo I wanted to use. I wanted the one where I had all of my kids together. I don't have any of all of them together anymore. Between floods, and divorce and moving all over I have lost so many of my kids pictures. The ones from long ago have been hard to come by, but thanks to Facebook and the internet and family I was able to get some of my pictures.

 The Story:

 July 4th, 1990 something, I want to say 93 or 94.

 The Place :
 East Texas, Palestine and Rusk Texas

 The Time:
 Fairly early in the morning before the brutal heat set in.

 July 4th is not one of my favorite holidays. I know it is our Independence Day and before July 1990 I was the All American Girl who celebrated it in full Glory. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Baseball and Apple Pie with Parades and Watermelon. If we were not grilling out and doing our own thing, then we would head to Main Street two streets up where we would engage in everything from the kids being in the Parade, buying our meal, strolling along the craft section, watched as the old timers played dominoes and anxiously awaited the Square Dancing competition.

Even our dog Duchess tagged along working the horses as that was what she was made for. She was in her element and cried and whined and moaned as we had to leash her up and leave her at home until the Parade was over, after that someone would go and let her loose. Those were the good old days. We could let our animals be just what they were. There was no such thing as a leash law. But Duchess did indeed love trying to work those horses, get them rounded up so to speak  so the city would call me and say... "Beth can we do something about Duchess until the Parade is over?" and that became a thing that happened as we had lots of events, not just July 4th, but Homecoming, Christmas and The Lords Acre and a lot of other things, but after the Parade and the horses were gone, Duchess was in heaven as she went around to be petted by everyone, had snippets of BBQ and had her picture taken with others as she photo bombed the photos.

 Here Jonathan is explaining to Duchess that she couldn't go to Church with us one Sunday morning. See how she was lifting her paw as if to say Please? She was a wonderful dog and we had her for 9 years before our neighbor poisoned her. We filed charges against him. He was seen in town buying rat poison the same day/night that Duchess must have eaten what ever he gave her. My mom seen him under our carport late at night  so we know that it was him. Not that the police or anyone ever did anything about it, but those neighbors were horrible to us. Duchess would lay at the end of the driveway and on his side of the yard waiting for the kids to come home from school and he didn't like her laying on his precious grass plus anything that they could do to hurt us they did it. She was a car dog and usually went everywhere with us.

 Anyway to get back to my story,  We usually dragged ourselves home for a rest before we would go into the biggest town in our county to the football stadium and watch the firework display. We rounded that off with a trip to Brahms's which is an ice cream and burger place. Now they have everything from bread and milk to a full menu, all made from the wonderful Dairy in Braham Texas. I spelled that wrong, but anyway that is how we would usually spend our 4th of July.

 July 4th, 1990:

 My husband, the kids dad was a long haul truck driver and he might be out on the road 6 weeks or longer at a time. It is sad to say that he missed a lot of things with the kids growing up and some of it was his fault but there was a lot of it that wasn't his fault. Many holidays found us alone but this particular July 4th found him home. It was a Sunday. I had made a pot of coffee and took him a cup and we laid in bed talking about doing something different for the 4th. We still hadn't made any plans when the phone rang and I almost didn't answer it but at the last minute I snatched it up.
 It was the Veteran's hospital telling me that my dad had a heart attack.
 My dad was not going to make it. I stayed with my mom all that night at the hospital. We all knew it was just a matter of time.
 My girlfriend had my kids and told me not to worry about them, that she would keep them for as long as I needed her to.
 I stayed in the waiting room with my mother. Everyone else had left. My sister Linda told me, "I can't stay here and wait but I can go and make the funeral arrangements". That was something that I couldn't face. I just couldn't think about a funeral when there was still life, a chance, a miracle.
 My husband's father was having prostrate surgery the next morning so he left. My sister Susanne was living in Tennessee and daddy had taken a turn for the better so she went back home and was on the road and this was before any of us could afford a cell phone. I was waiting on my brother James and his wife to get there but he was having problems getting his check from work and getting it cashed because of the holiday weekend.
 My daddy died at 9:45 am July 5th. He died on a granddaughters birthday and he was buried on a grandson's birthday. So It is a very hard holiday for me. For years I couldn't even enjoy the fireworks. I would pretend for the sake of my kids, but my heart just wasn't in it.

 Fast Forward To The Photo:

 My husband knew how hard it was for me every year. He somehow and I give him credit for this, he tried to make the day a little easier. He suggested that we take the kids to go and ride the train and then drive to Lake Livingston and go to the Indian Reservation that they had there and spend the day and watch the shows and firework display.
 I agreed. It would be a change and so that is what we did.
 We left early  and drove to Palestine Texas. The July heat was harsh and the humidity was so thick that when you hear people say "You could cut it with a knife" that is exactly the right way to describe it. Soupy and thick and miserable.
 Palestine was such a pretty little town. It was one of those little May-berry towns where you could walk down the side walk with your sweetheart, and window shop, and stop for an ice cream treat. Mother's could let their children walk ahead of them with out fear of them being kidnapped or harmed.
 There was charm and the Flag was flying every day. Little craft sections set up on weekends offering a variety of wares and the kids could close their eyes and reach into an old ice cream or pickle barrel for a paper sack that we called Grab Bags for a dollar. We would go a lot since it was so close to our home, but this day our destination was the train first.
 An old steam train that would take you down the line to Rusk Texas. Mainly the train ride was nothing that spectacular, just a relaxing ride over creeks and thru the woods. Once we got to Rusk, they gave each passenger a brown bag with a sandwich, a piece of fruit, chips and a drink. We could sit under the trees at the picnic tables and eat and then browse thru the small museum and then from there we could watch the movie they played and then boarded the train and headed back to Palestine.
 I snapped this photo at one of the small museum displays of the kids. It has always been one of my favorites of mine.
 Jonathan didn't eat his lunch that day. He said that his throat was sore. I was like Uh Oh but he said he wasn't sick and so we went on to the Indian Reservation.
 Oh wow... what a place. We had an awesome time. We watched the dances, the rituals and the best part of all, we went inside a large Tepee and it was nice and cool and dark. It was a lazor show... Eagles flew around us, Medicine men explained the old ways, the water fall appeared to fall on you.. the magic of the adventure. It was just beautiful and so very awesome.

 After the show Jonathan said that he wasn't feeling good and I took my hand and put to his forehead and he was burning up with fever. I told my husband we needed to go home. We had planned to stay for the fireworks but we made the decision to just go home. By the time that we got closer to home I told my husband for us to stop at the Emergency Room. We had to go right by there anyway and all of the kids were sound asleep anyway except for Jonathan who was crying by this time.
 It didn't take the doctor long at all to diagnose him with Strep Throat. They gave him a shot and some fever reducer and got his fever down and said that I could get the prescription filled the next day since the shot should start working faster and last until morning.

 That was a long 10-14 days for my family because of course we all got Strep Throat. By the time one was getting well another was getting sick. Finally my doctor did us all a favor and put us all on antibiotics.
 And I learned something then.... I still do it to this day. I guess the mom in me always will revert back to those days.

 I have a medical to do list. No matter how sick I am or someone else is, this is such great ideas and I wish I could thank my doctor for the advice but he has long since retired.

 1. Go to the dollar store and buy several packs of toothbrushes. You can get them cheap. They come in a pack of 10 for a dollar. Use once and throw away.  Place your toothbrush that you always use in a little bit of water with bleach.

 2. If you do not have a dishwasher, add a bit of bleach to your dish water and your rinse water. Just a cap full will do.
 Better yet, use paper plates, plastic disposable cups, and plastic utensils. But still add bleach to clean your pots and pans and serving dishes.

 3. Give everyone a set of clean towels, hand towels and wash cloths. And change the bed linen daily. I know it is a bit costly to wash and dry but well worth it.

 4. Watch little ones to make sure that they do not eat or drink after anyone else. Kids do that without thinking and as much as we love hugs and kisses, this is no time to be doing that kind of thing. It can be a stomach bug, a cold or the flu so it doesn't hurt to take precautions.

 5. Strep Throat can be dangerous. Once the fever breaks you might feel better but that is an illusion. Strep Throat has to be treated with antibiotics because it can damage your heart. It will lead to Scarlet Fever and that is when the damage to the heart can occur.

 So anyway I know that this post is a bit long, way longer than I intended it to be but I wanted to share this in case I have readers with small children or as in my case even big children.  I do these things even today.
 I keep extra toothbrushes, paper towels and make sure there is plenty of good soap on hand. I am diligent about spraying with an antibacterial spray and I wipe down surfaces with soap and bleach. Door handles, light switches, and I even give our electronics a quick wipe down with a damp cloth, not a wet one.

 We still catch the bugs, we live in a dirty world. Jonathan said his boss called in sick today with a stomach bug she caught over the weekend and 2 more employees called in as well. We have already had it but it could be a different strain going around.

 So anyway, this is my post for now and I am heading to bed. It is late here or I should say early Tuesday morning. It is almost 1:00 am and I didn't even have a nap today. I wanted to be sleeping long before now.

 I had a story to share of Cisco and pictures but that can wait until my next blog post. For now I am going to say Take care and be kind to one another... BB


Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday It Is

 Hi to all,

 This is an older scrap page. I did it for fun. Too bad that I have lost this kit as it was one of my favorites. I try and back up everything now. What a waste of good things when your computer crashes.

 Well Hello June!
 I meant to get over yesterday but my son Matt is home until Sunday so he and I had a mom and son's day out. Not that we did much. We went and paid rent, then to the bank, then found a place to eat and after that we went to the library. We stopped by Walgreen's on the way home and he took Cisco for a walk for me and then he went over to a friends house for a while.

 I had to take my books back to the library and then I found another couple that I haven't read and now that I have them I have lost the urge to read and am crocheting. I have to get over to Walmart and get a couple of things to finish Karyn's bracelet for her birthday. I have a week to finish it. I just forgot the last time I was there.

 Our Walmart sucks. Why do they not hire people that speak English? Now  I understand that everyone needs jobs but I do not speak any other language! Shouldn't they put English speaking people on the floor to help us? I am not complaining overly much because I respect the need to fill positions for people, but come on now!
 The last time I was there I had to go all the way from the back of the store to Customer Service to get someone to help me in the scrapbooking isle. Will you believe that the lady they sent to me didn't speak English took me to the paint department and left me????
 I never found what I was looking for because no one that came to my aid spoke English enough to understand what I was looking for and I finally got frustrated and left.  Instead of Walmart I will probably go to Hobby Lobby or some other craft store.

 I went to bed early last night and slept all night. I felt really restful but I woke up with that pain in my right side again. It is rather painful. My doctors have said that it is scar tissue that becomes inflamed and pulls and tugs and is caused from all of the surgery that I have had over the years. Well I might have to have this seen to because it is really starting to cause some painful problems for me. I have been active this past week so I am sure that is one of the reasons I have aggravated it.

 Well of course I have to share the antics of Cisco.... Not only does my dog know when a box arrives it is usually for him but he can be sound asleep and as soon as he hears the microwave ding, he jumps up and heads to my bedroom, his fat little body jiggling and swaying all the way down the hall while looking over his shoulder to make sure that I am coming so he might get a bite or two.
 That is what happened night before last. I heated a microwave dinner and he practically flew into my room. I can honestly say that he does get a bite here and there. The other night I gave him a bite of spinach fettuccine. Matt lets him lick the inside of his throw away bowl so I am not the only one. But Jon and Nate do not give in or almost never but I caught Jonathan giving him a bite of chicken the other night, I raised my eyebrows at that!
 He is eating his new food well, but we are going to have to go to something softer. He is now able to chew it as well anymore. This is harder than what he has been eating. Funny he has no problems scarfing down his bones/biscuits haha.

 Time for me to start replacing some dishes. I have lost 2 of my favorite coffee cups and found a crack in one of my last favorite one this morning. It isn't a bad crack yet but will have to go in the trash pretty soon.

 My side is really starting to hurt so I am going to share a few things and get off and lay down. I don't want to take a pain pill this early in the morning.

 I love Jim Parsons aka Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. I hope that this brought a smile to your face. Not sure that the facts are correct tho!

 I was going to save this one for July but I decided to go ahead and share it... I totally agree with Madge... One of my favorites is.... A butterfly in the back becomes a buzzard in the crack.... That is why I am not getting a tattoo on my body.... (Smile)...

 This is all I have for today. Take care.... BB