Saturday, October 3, 2015

Color Me So Surprised

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Saturday,

 This page above is one that I did last month to enter into a challenge. The challenge was Mosaic Effect or Stained Glass Effect depending upon which program that your using. In Craft Artist 2 it is called Stained Glass.
 This was the hardest page to do because my pixels would not become any smaller than what is on the page above you. If you want a closer look just click on the page and it should open into a larger format for you. 
 I had a lot of help from my group, and advice and suggestions and this emerged and was declared my final attempt at it and so I entered it.
 So imagine my surprise yesterday morning when I discovered that I had won second place with this page! 
 There was some extraordinary pages in last months challenge. I wish that I could share them with you but I really cannot as it is a  closed group. But oh well, I can show you my stuff.
 Today also brings me to sharing my CT Pages. I have not done that in a while and some of you have already seen them on facebook, but for those that haven't here are the latest done from a Halloween Kit.

This is a great Halloween kit called A Witchy Halloween by Lins_Creations. You can find this kit at these great stores:

 If any of you out there are not digital scrappers and would love to learn I don't mind helping you at all.
 You can go to and download their free software kit and they also have tons of free kits to go along with the program. It is simple and easy to use, it is great for beginners and then of course if you want the full version it is very inexpensive. I believe it is like $7.99..... so for less than 10 dollars you cannot go wrong with it.
 They have challenges, tutorials and a forum. You have your own Gallery and inbox where you can communicate with some wonderful people. 
 I am as you can see an Addicted Scrapbooker. Anyway it is just a thought if anyone is interested and you know I had a girl tell me.... I am just not good at doing these pages.... Guess what? She is now doing scrap layout pages for 4 different designers! You never know until you try.
 But for me, my scrapping motivation comes for different reasons. For me it is a way that I can relax and it is a way that I can create something by pushing myself just a little more. An outlet for my creativity. It is also a way that I have met some wonderful people. Truly great people. 

 I just took Cisco out for a morning walk and it feels so good out there. it is 59 degrees according to my phone. I wish that it could stay like this all of the time. For me this is a perfect temp. Not to hot, not to cold. Just right. But of course it will be down right cold before long. We usually hang around these Indian Summer days until Halloween. Usually Halloween is cold and windy and sometimes rainy. 
 When my kids were little we made a party and tradition out of Halloween. We had Sandwiches and Chips of course, and I made a big pan of Wassel.... If your not sure what wassel is, it is a simple recipe. Simply buy a large gallon jug of apple juice or cider if you prefer, pour into a pot and bring to a boil and add a bag of red hot cinnamon candies... stir until the candy melts, ladle into mugs and add a cinnamon stick. Take care to cool down before ladling it out for the little ones. It is very hot. 
 We would eat and go trick or treating and then come home to a movie and popcorn and of course their candy after I inspected it. 
 One year we missed Halloween. It was a hard and sad time. My youngest, Nathan at the time was 3 months old and he did not have a soft spot at birth. We ended up having to go to Dallas for tests. His dad and I and Nathan spent Halloween at Childrens Hospital in Dallas doing tests and with the Red Cross to get blood for him for surgery. 
 People I will never donate to Red Cross again. Not a penny of my money will go to them nor a penny of my time. I donated blood since I was 17 years old in highschool. I gave every time the blood mobile rolled into town. I carried my card proudly and I was usually the first one advocating that the the blood drive was such and such day.
 I was told that if you gave blood, when a family member needed blood, then they could recieve blood. When my tiny baby needed blood for surgery they turned us down flat. At the time my husband wasn't working. He was doing farm work and it rained the whole month of October. I applied for Medicaid that year for all of the kids so I could take them to the doctor and such. The Red Cross would not accept our medicaid. I begged and pleaded with them for a pint of blood. I told them I had always donated and yet I was told "I'm sorry but we can't help you." 
 My sister Susie lived in Tennessee. She went to her local Red Cross and since she has a rare blood type they allowed her to give blood so my son could recieve the blood. I was not allowed to give the blood because I was taking insulin and his dad couldn't give the blood because at the time he was sick with a bad cold. So I was angry with the Red Cross for years.

 Then when we were hit with the flood and people lost everything! The Red Cross came into town, parked outside of town and no one even knew that they were there... and handed out a cooler of water, a mop, a bucket, rubber gloves and a broom and mop and were gone before you could blink. People needed food. They needed help. They didn't have a home. What good was a bucket broom and mop going to do for anyone. I wouldn't have even known they were in town except my FEMA worker called me on the phone after inspecting my house to tell me that the Red Cross was set up at such and such place. I wondered why didn't they let anyone know that they were coming? Also how was people who didn't have cars supposed to get there and back...? I was very disgusted.
 Many people have said that it was that we had a bad local chapter of the Red Cross. That most chapters are great, but I have had 2 bad experiences with them.
 A few years ago a friend of mine had her house demolished by a tornado. She said that the Red Cross never came to their area that she heard. Other organizations did. Mostly churches brought food and blankets and medical supplies and people to help the victims. 
 In our case after the flood the community helped each other. People that had not been effected invited families into their homes, and offered meals and clothing and help. 
 So you can see why I am not a fan of the Red Cross.... and yet let an earthquake or a flood or disaster hit another country and watch how fast Red Cross sets up! 
 OK I am getting off that soap box now.... Whew I didn't mean to turn this into a rant.

 So I just walked into the living room and Cisco poked his head out from the covers where he is snuggled up with Nathan! He looked so cute with his little head peeking out from under the blanket. He is such a lovey. At least for the most part. 

 Well it is time for my morning meds and breakfast so everyone have a great weekend and I will be back on Monday... I hope all is well and talk to you soon. BB

1 comment:

  1. I see you've been very busy with your scrapping. Your layouts are beautiful. I checked out the store where some of these kits are. They certainly are beautiful, but I find them quite pricey. Unfortunately, that's a deterrent to many scrappers.

    I loved your "rant." I feel the same way about the Red Cross. I can't say that I know of anyone who actually received any useful help from them. I'm not so crazy about FEMA either. When we had the floods a few years back, they not only did not let any of us know where they were or how to contact them, they offered no help either. After having to replace my brand new furnace twice from two floods a few weeks apart, I finally found out where they were. All they could offer was a small loan to replace some of the expensive items. I told them "no thanks" for nothing.

    I think regular citizens from the area in need should be in charge of distributing all funds and materials that are donated from people and given from the government agencies. Then maybe the folks in need of help would get the help that they need.

    Now it's tine to feed my little guy. You and Cisco have a beautiful day, hugs, Edna B.
